Well I know exactly where this surplus came from.
For years I have started each and every day with an evil concoction whose gluttony-enducing seduction is matched only by its massive amount of calories. The dreaded White Chocolate Mocha!
Yes, I have had one of those liquid bon-bons every day for the last four years. According to the Starbuck's nutritional site, a 12 ounce white chocolate mocha is 300+ calories. If I had instead been drinking just coffee and cream this whole time I would have lost 10 pounds a year instead of gaining 10 pounds a year.
I immediately gave up the white evil and as a result, if I don't do anything else, I'm going to lose all that weight -- it just might take four years. And you know what? That would be okay with me.
1 comment:
I know what you mean. I feel so much thinner than I really am, and when I see photos I'm always shocked and disturbed anew - "Who IS that thick cow?".
I wish it was as simple as giving up a latte, dammit. I don't drink lattes (unless someone buys me one). My obstacles are legion and- years of habitual mindless night eating when I get home from work; too little time or energy to exercise after my 12-14 days and horrible commutes (at least that's my excuse); an enabling spouse who is always shoving delectable pizza and junk foods in from of my face; my middle-aged woman's metabolic rate of about 1200 calories a day; a tendency to retain as much as 4-5pounds of water at a time; wheat sensitivies; blah blah blah.
The diet that worked best for me was the Skinny Bitch diet, which is an all vegan diet. I felt great and lost weight healthily. I think I can combine that with the Hacker Diet, and start figuring out a way to find time for exercise. What, replace my Internets surfing time with exercise? Perish the thought!
Regarding the Hacker Diet, I need the caloric portion of the Hacker Diet...just entering the weights and watching the chart isn't enough context for me. I'm going to try again to get those macros working.
Love the Blog, by the way!!! Keep it going!
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