Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Hacker's Diet - January 2008

4 more pounds lost in January. I didn't really plan it that way -- again, like in December, I would have been happy with 3 but I'll take it! I was afraid that the Las Vegas trip in the middle of the month would mess things up but I didn't eat much while I was there so it was a wash I guess.

Since the start of the diet I've lost 18 pounds and I have 12 to go. So I'm 60% of the way there. My BMI dropped into the 27's about a week ago. None of my pants fit properly but I'm still going to wait until I lose those last 12 lbs before I buy more pants.

In January I worked out 18 of the 31 days, averaging only 263 calories per workout. I think this is a good happy medium where I don't get too worn out by exercising on an empty stomach.

Now here's something tangible.

I've been attempting to record calories eaten per day. I have two full months of data to work with. Check this out (all units are calories)

Avg. consumed per day: 1741
Avg. loss per day: 412
Avg. workout per day: 136

From these numbers I can compute how many calories I burn on average each day WITHOUT working out. That is, if I do not work on a given day this is how many calories I would burn just sitting around:

1741 + (412 - 136) = 2017. Let's just call it 2000 calories a day. That's my allowance.

Lost in January: 4 lbs
Total Loss since starting Diet: 18 lbs

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, that's a lot of math. I'm surprised I don't have a roaring case of diarrhea right now, which is usually what happens when I'm exposed to mathematics.

I'm using CalorieKing now, which calculates a lot of that stuff for ya. My allowance is 1290 calories a day, but I've been regularly exceeding that by a couple hundred calories a day.

As of last weigh-in I've dropped 7 pounds total in 3 weeks. I have a weigh-in tomorrow - we'll see whether those extra calories have sabotaged my weight loss.